PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE2021-01-29T14:26:46+02:00

Project Description



A professional is an independent business entity with endless responsibilities and obligations but also significant rewards for goal achievements. He is perhaps in the group with the most pressing insurance needs, since everything depends on him: his office, his family, his social status and his reputation. K2 contributes to the full insurance for the risks that threaten his path to recognition, with special tailormade programs tailored for the specialized needs of each professional entity.


  1. Professional competence insurance 
  2. Professional Indemnity Insurance 
  3. Loss of life and coverage of professional value 
  4. Temporary work inability
  5. Secure your future income
  • Special planning

  • Understanding needs

  • Complete solutions 

  • Confidence

  • Immediate service 

  1. .Professional incompetence implies “loss of power” to handle the main source of his income. Therefore, the loss of this ability, will lead to a sharp drop in his income, the inability to develop scientifically and professionally, a change of financial plans for himself and his family, morale decay and loss of professional urge, also money lost in scientific training and finally professional vision
    inability. Responsible impact assessment and immediate action is required.
  2. The consequences can be very serious, in the case of justification due to errors or omissions. Statistics on the cost of damages show that they are devastating for many business sectors, resulting in additional psychological burden. This will threaten the professional and his family with financial ruin. Restoring to the original state is painful and time consuming.
  3. The summing up of the current and future professional value of a scientist or a freelancer can reach a surprisingly large number. However, if an unforeseen event occurs and he loses his life, the consequences can become uncontrollable: Dramatic reduction of family income, cancellation of fulfillment of family goals, inability to reduce fixed expenses (rents, loans, maintenance costs, children
    expenses, insurance premiums, studies., etc.), inheritance taxes and finally a sharp decline in living standards resulting in situations of family misery. Planning and timeless forecasting is a duty and an obligation.
  4. Absence from work for weeks or months can be dramatic for a family’s standard of living. Business plans can be canceled or overly delayed. A measurement of consequences and the appropriate approach is deemed necessary.
  5. High income during working life with income sinking at the age of retirement and total dependance on state pension. Untimely care entails a decline in living standards and unpleasant consequences in old age. Detailed evaluation and careful planning must be done timelessly so as to ensure high returns in the period where needs are big and little can be done.
Tax Αdvisors / Accountants
Engineers / Mechanical Engineers

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