
Επιστολή και στα κεντρικά γραφεία των κομμάτων του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου (ΕΛΚ, S&D, ALDE/ADLE, Πράσινοι/ EFA, GUE/NGL, EFD) απέστειλε ο Σύλλογος με στόχο την ενημέρωσή τους για το θέμα της διάσωσης της Ασπίς Bank και της κατάρρευσης της Ασπίς Πρόνοια:

Athens, 28/12/2011

Association “Affected Persons by Aspis Pronoia”
Press Release


The rescue of depositors of PROTON BANK and today the rescue of ASPIS BANK (which is now called T-Bank) showed once again the strong reflexes of the Greek government, which made ​​an obvious move to protect the savings of people who have never participated in the creation of huge losses in these banking institutions. At the same time acted wisely protecting one of the pillars of the modern financial system, taking care not to break the feeling of confidence towards the banking system.
The increased reflexes and the appropriate timing of Bank of Greece saved T-Bank from collapse.
According to the announcement of BoG, deposits and staff will be transported intact to “Taxydromiko Tamieutirio” Bank.
The greek authorities rescued Aspis Bank and the depositors but they did not act in the same way with the insurance company Aspis Pronoia. They have revoked its licence in 21st of September 2009 and one million insured people have lost their savings. In addition, they do not have access to their valuable insurance benefits.

We wonder:
1. Why don’t we have access to our money and our valuable insurance benefits?
2. Are we second-class citizens?
3. Didn’t we pay our insurance obligations in a proper and consistent way?
4. Have we stolen any money?
5. Do bank customers enjoy more privileges?
6. Insurance companies are supervised by the same mechanism that supervises banks and they are one of the pillars of the financial system. Aren’t they as much important for the economy as banks?
Five thousand people insured with Aspis are preparing for litigation against the Greek state in order to claim their compensations (over 500 million euro), and we wonder why the Greek authorities are unwilling to find a proper solution like they did with Proton and Aspis Bank.

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